Karen Morgan Photography

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Mom and Me Mini Session, Cumberland, MD

I loved everything about this Mommy and Me photo session! Each year, I love to do Mother’s Day Mini Sessions.   It is a prefect session to show the love and bond between Mother’s and their children.  

Bryce was the first of my Mother’s Day mini sessions this spring.  Her love is apparent and overflowing in these images!

After the session, I asked Bryce a few questions about motherhood.  Here is what she had to say.

What does Motherhood mean to you?

“My son wasn't planned, but here I am looking at the most beautiful blessing that has ever happened to me. Becoming a mother has been amazing but also very challenging. Motherhood is hard especially in todays society, not only dealing with all of the personal challenges at home but all the decisions you have to make. Breastfeeding or formula, vaccinating or not vaccinating, co-sleeping or not. It doesn't matter, as a mother you are forced with these decisions and in the end you're never right.

You can do all the “right” things and still be totally wrong and trust me there is ALWAYS a person that is quick to tell you.

“I wanted to do a mommy and me session with my son to show the love between us. Yeah, yeah, I know, everyone loves their child as much as the next but its different for me. When someone close to me says how happy they are for me, they genuinely mean it. “

At 22 I became a mom, a real mom. For 7 years, I’ve been waiting for this. I finally get a child that I get to snuggle and love on 24/7. I get him all to myself, I don't have to share him, well I mean I guess I have to share him with his daddy but thats beside the point. I don't ever have to give him back because he's mine.  What I didn't know about motherhood for me before my son was the amazing blended family I joined because of the little girl Im helping raise now. But in the mix of all of it, that family was a family before me and it can still be a family without me.

What is your favorite part of motherhood?

My favorite part about motherhood was, is having a purpose, having a reason to wake up everyday to have a great day despite things that go wrong it will still be a great day because I have a son to wake up too and come home too. My family is a family because of me becoming a mother. My favorite part of motherhood was the day I looked into those little eyes  and became a mother for the first time.