Western Maryland Senior Portraits | Kaitlyn
/Kaitlyn is a Frankfort High School senior graduating this May 2020! She plans on attending WVU for biochemistry and although she isn’t sure which path she wants to take afterwards, she plans on going into the medical field.
Although she doesn’t remember what she wanted to be when she was was five years old, her parents commented that she wanted to be a professional salamander catcher! Isn’t that just adorable?
Western Maryland has a lot of gorgeous views and locations for your senior portraits. I love when my clients can connect with me and their images through these locations and personal touches I offer with each other their galleries!
Kaitlyn has had her hand in many activities, including soccer, volleyball, basketball, softball, and cross country! She made all PVC teams and all area teams in soccer and softball She also played the clarinet and saxophone when she was younger. She was also in the marching bad and marched in the presidential inaugural parade and at Disney World!
I love being a senior portrait photographer in Cumberland, Maryland and getting to know my clients! Kaitlyn loves playing sports, spending time with family and friends, skiing, boating, fishing, and going to the beach.
Aside from playing a multitude of sports, Kaitlyn has been involved in many other activities like Student Council, the National Honor Society, and was an HOBY ambassador. She assisted on the yearbook, made the top five in her senior class and earned several scholarships for college! Kaitlyn is certainly impressive!
“Never stop learning. The world is at your fingertips. You can and will be anything that you want. Your drive, intelligence and aspirations will help you reach your dreams and goals!”
According to her parents (and speaking from personal experience as well!) Kaitlyn is one fabulous kid! She is kindhearted, polite, driven, intelligent, beautiful, athletic, and sassy! Those are just some of the things that Sherilyn and Brian love about their daughter. She’s their child and they unconditionally love and adore her! And I could tell Kaitlyn feels the same way about her parents!