Cumberland, Maryland Senior Photography | Katie


I had the pleasure of meeting Katie after I met and photographed her older brother for his senior photos. She was a delight to work with, absolutely kind and also beautiful! It was also a gorgeous day.

We visited the sunflower patch for a few amazing images. Used wildflowers to make a bouquet.

As I do with most of my sessions, I incorporated lots of movement...walking toward me, twirling around, etc. I love what I do and I will make your senior portraits special with different posing and prompts!

Covid really put a damper on Katie’s senior year at Allegany High. She was supposed to play soccer but that wasn’t doable with pandemic. Her daily life used to consist of school, practices, and games; now it’s Netflix and social media.

When she graduates, she’s looking forward to playing soccer in college, a sport she’s played for 12 years (and softball for 10, and basketball for 8! She’s a sporty young woman, that’s for sure!)

How cool are her sports attire?! That letterman jacket is to die for!

Dream big! Hard work pays off!
— Julie Wilhelm

Congrats, Katie, Class of 2021!

Cumberland, MD Senior Portraits | Emily S.


What a wonder, Emily was! I had an absolute blast with this 2021 senior! After she graduates in May from Allegany High, she plans on attending college to study theatre and musical theatre and vocal performance; eventually she wants to transfer to a performing arts school!

Look at this sweet young woman! It’s a good thing I had my long lens cause she aimed for me when I joked with her to try to splash me! ! But that’s okay, it made for a great shot.


She loves to sing, dance, act, play guitar, and piano! She’s a very well rounded girl who plays parts in musicals and also sings in choir. I love how versatile she is!

Four our second location, I took Emily to my outdoor studio location where I have an old porch swing and a smaller tree swing for use! Here is where we squeezed in a couple best friend shots as well with her bestie, Karlee!

Our third location was a wide open field! The property owner came out during our session and gave us a couple large sunflowers to use in this session! I am so glad she did! The sunflower added a nice bit of color. Emily is a huge music fan and oh so talented! She brought along her guitar. She also sings! What an amazing voice. Her mom found an old time microphone to use in the field for a few singing photos!

Although it’s been hard with the loss of her senior musical, Emily has enjoyed distance learning and feels that the teachers have a better understanding and lenience given everything going on.

Believe in yourself; be resilient, even when things don’t go as you’ve planned.
— Daphne Synder

I had the pleasure of photographing Emily a couple more times. We did an amazing fall shoot at Casselman Bridge in Garrett County and a winter shoot in Allegany County. Both sessions were just fabulous! Be sure to check them out!

Emily now helps me out from time to time as my assistant on other senior sessions! She also captures behind the scenes video too!

Senior Portrait Session near Cumberland, MD | Juliette

It was a beautiful summer day for Juliette’s session (helloooooo golden hour!). Not only was it a beautiful summer day, but I had a beautiful gorgeous senior with a perfect smile! Not to mention her clothing choices were spot on.

Juliette attends Fort Hill High School and will be graduating in May. She plans on attending West Virginia University to become a labor and delivery nurse. How special is that?!

Our session began in a grassy field with Queen Anne’s Lace around her. Her yellow dress with the lace jacket was perfect for this setting. We found a few yellow flowers and created a wildflower bouquet for her!

I love how open and free Juliette was during our session. She really was within her element and didn’t seem to have any shyness in front of the camera!

Of course we headed to the creek where her burgundy dress was perfect among the flowers and water!

Follow your dreams, work hard, and never give up on your goals in life.
— Laurie Wilson

Congratulations, Juliette, Class of 2021!

Western Maryland Senior Portraits | Mark

I just have to start out with that this was an amazing session! It took place on the Mark’s family’s property! This Fort Hill High School student is graduating in May of this year and I know he can’t wait. He plans to attend Frostburg to pursue the graphic arts.

As you can tell, Mark is quite the sports player and loves to play soccer! He also plays the violin and loves to swim.

As we wandered the property, Mark’s mom, Devina, told me stories about childhood events that happened there.

The hike to get to these massive boulders was like an obstacle course. Devina kept encouraging me and telling me it wasn’t too far but it felt like she was just trying to keep me motivated. She didn’t have to try though, as soon as I saw where were headed, I was in love all over again! I’m always up for a little adventure!

Although Mark was initially quiet, he was the absolute sweetest and was ready to try any pose I suggested. Thanks for being a willing participant, Mark!

Put God first and everything else will fall into place.
— Devina Greise

I’m obsessed with this tree!

Congratulations, Mark and best of luck in your future endeavors!

Downtown Cumberland, MD Senior Portrait Session | Chloe

Chloe is a 2021 Senior graduating from Fort Hill High school in May. She’ll be attending college to study business in the fall.

Chloe’s session began in Downtown, Cumberland. We ventured through the streets and found several great locations for photos.

I’m a sucker for reflections! I just love the way Chloe looks with this pose!

We also found an amazing alley for several cool shots before moving on with a SHOPPING CART!

Yeah you read (and see that) right! A SHOPPING CART! We had a ball with this unplanned prop. She got in it for several of her portraits and then I had her push it down the alley and jump on the back of it!

After our Downtown blast of fun, we went to the second location for some creek photos! It was quite cool outside but that didn’t stop this awesome 2021 senior from getting in the water! I absolutely LOVE these shots.

Dream big & never give up.
— Stacey Smith

Cumberland Maryland Senior Portraits | Nathan

Nathan is a senior at Frankfort High School. During out session, he seemed at ease with the company of the outdoors and I lucked out and got a smile or two in his portraits! (Trust me parents, I’ll make your kids smile and laugh!)


After high school, Nathan has no plans to immediately go to college but he will be joining the Marines! I think that is incredibly admirable and I wish him all the best in his future endeavors!

When Nathan was 5 years old, his dream was to be an FBI Agent when he grew up. He could still be an FBI Agent if he wanted too; I have no doubt that he is more than capable of succeeding in whatever he decides to do after the Marines!


Nathan also played football for six years!


Trying to get this Frankfort High senior to open up was a bit of a challenge, but I found out that he loves to hunt, fish, and work outside in the yard - which explains why his favorite part of his senior session was the different views of nature!

Don’t be in a hurry to grow up and don’t rush your life. Enjoy your youth, friends, and family.
— Jennifer Ward

Although no parent can choose just one favorite memory of their child, Jennifer said that when Nathan was about 18 months old, he would be standing in the kitchen on a chair washing dishes next to her. He always had to be close to her! I think that is absolutely adorable and their bond is amazing.


One of the things I love most about my senior sessions is getting even the quiet shy types to open up to me. This is my passion and being able to connect with my clients is important to me!


I also LOVE to be able to travel all over Western Maryland to find locations that not only speak to me but mesh perfectly with my seniors. If you’re looking for a senior portrait session that screams YOU, let’s talk! I’ll find the perfect place!


Madison / Senior Portraits in Cumberland, MD

Madison is a natural beauty! She wanted a very natural setting and shoot with minimal makeup. She was amazing in front of the camera… it was like she was a trained model!

Madison is a senior graduating from Fort Hills High School in 2021. After high school, she plans on taking the year off to travel the states before attending college in Fall 2023. I think that’s just amazing! And she wants to major in biology; a gap year before diving head first into a difficult subject sounds like a grand plan to me!

I generally give lots of directions for posing but not for this girl. Her session started in a beautiful goldenrod field! We used the Egg Chair for a few of the shots and OF COURSE we got lots of her with Ava, her gorgeous dog!


This beauty loves to play volleyball and she’s been playing for the past 5 years. For the past 7 years, she’s been playing basketball.

In her free time, Madison loves drawing or spending time with her friends, though Covid has certainly altered her year a lot. She looks forward to regaining a normal scheduled day and longs for a time when school is school and she’s able to hang out with friends.

Our second location was at at Evitts creek. It was a little cool but that didn’t stop her from getting into the water! Although you’ve seen previous sessions of models in water, Madison was my first and instantly got me obsessed with these sessions!

Follow your heart! Do what makes you happy!
— Stefanie Logsdon

Personally she did not enjoy virtual learning and found it nearly impossible to focus.

All my senior portrait sessions take place at two or three locations to give lots of variety. I also encourage seniors to bring along at least five outfits with lots of accessories. Know a 2022 senior looking for a portrait photographer? Tell them my name and send them my way!


Western Maryland Senior Portraits | Sadie


This spunky 2021 senior is Sadie from Fort Hill High School. She’s headed to college when she graduates with the dream to study pre-law with a minor in either political science or sociology.

I can tell you one thing just from my experience with Sadie is that she’ll succeed at anything she puts her mind too!


(Side Note: I love a good black and white! Which is your favorite?)

When Sadie was learning to talk she would say everything. On the commute to her babysitter every morning in Baltimore her dad would coach her on saying the starting line up of the Pittsburg Steelers. She was the only two year old I knew who could say Troy Polamalu and Kimo von Oelhoffen!
— Sadie's parents on their favorite memory of her

Sadie has a myriad of interests, hobbies, and talents starting with soccer. She’s played for 13 years for club teams, travel teams, and school teams. Not only is she awesome at sports, but she’s a percussionist, snare drummer, and keyboardist for her high schools band.


Outside of school interests, Sadie loves hiking, geocaching, long boarding, and relaxing in a hammock. She also loved spending time with her friends, playing guitar, and video gaming. She’s certainly a Jack(lyn) of all trades!

We certainly had a blast wandering from location to location to capture the best for Sadie. That’s the fun of senior portraits: feeling comfortable and confident!

Continue to be the woman we have raised you to be-strong, compassionate, persisting through adversity, and always looking for ways to serve those around you.
— Cresta & Mark Kowalski

Although COVID impacted her senior year, Sadie has managed to learn how to navigate the social distancing waters but she looks forward to being with a crowd of friends when we return back to normal times!


I had an absolute pleasure of a time getting to know Sadie and her parents! I can’t wait to see what she does in the future!

I love capturing senior portraits and bringing an artistic eye to the experience. Know a 2021 or 2022 senior in need of a photographer? Karen Morgan Photography has you covered!

Senior Portraits near Cumberland, MD | Mercedes


I love photographing seniors! Cumberland, Maryland is my home and being able to do what I love whenever I want to! Mercedes was an incredible client to work with. She’ll graduate in May of this year from Fort Hill High School.


Look at these smiling faces! Mercedes sister came along so we had to take a couple photos of them together!

Mercedes plans on attending college after high school. She is going to Potomac State College to study pre-veterinary medicine! She has wanted to be a veterinarian since she was five years old, and I find it amazing that through all the years, that hasn’t changed.


Mercedes has been dancing for fourteen years and also loves to roller skate! Some of her favorite hobbies also includes hanging out with my family, friends, and her boyfriend!

Don’t let anyone or anything hold you back!
— Sherri & Thomas Wright

Her parents call her Cede and one of their favorite memories of her is when she was 18 months old. Mercede’s grandfather always wore glasses and he constantly told her “Hold on, I can’t see without my glasses.” One day her grandfather asked her a question and she said “Hold on, Pappy, I can’t see without my glasses.” Even though she never wore glasses! How adorable is that?!

Mercedes enjoyed having her senior portrait session done with KMP. I love when my clients feel at ease and comfortable with me, and I certainly enjoy making them laugh and smile! If you’re looking for a senior portrait photographer in Cumberland, Maryland, send me a message today!


Western Maryland Senior Portraits | Madison

Madison L Album 04.jpg

One of my favorite things about being a photographer who specializes in senior portraits is the opportunity to meet and get to know these young and aspiring adults. They all have so much potential and none of them are the same. It’s honestly a gift to be able to interact with the next generation in a way that allows me to capture them as they are and for who they are.


Madison is no different! My experience with her was just as rewarding as my previous sessions and I was able to get to know this 2020 senior of Mountain Ridge High School.


Madison plans to attend college to become a pharmacist, but she’s still undecided on where she wants to go. Pharmacy is such a vast and growing field, that no matter what she does, I know she will succeed! If her academic history has anything to show for it, Madison will have no problems getting where she wants to go.


This beauty has her fair share of activities she loves to partake in - both at and out of school! She’s been playing soccer for thirteen years and tennis for four! She’s also been a part of the choir for seven years.

Another thing about Madison is that she’s a member of the drama club and she’ll be playing Cinderella this year in the musical Into the Woods. So If you’re a parent of a student at Mountain Ridge, you’ll get to see her live and in action!

Madison is also on a mock trial team as an attorney, is Class Secretary for the Student Senior Council, is a member of the National Honor Society, the Ridge Scholars Club, and she’s also a Rotary Club Student of the Month recipient! For a senior in high school, she surely stays busy!


If you ask Madison what some of the things she enjoyed about her senior session, she’ll tell you that she had a lot of fun getting dressed up and having her picture taken in different locations. She also really enjoyed sharing this moment with her parents, Scott and Donna! I love being able to capture these moments for parents because your child isn’t going to stay little forever. Blink and they’re going to high school. Blink again and they’re on their way to college!

Continue to be yourself, keep your family close, and continue to work hard to reach your goals.
— Scott & Donna Llewellyn

As I got to know Madison, I also became acquainted with her parents and their favorite memory of their child is her proud smile. When She accomplishes a goal, she would smile a great big smile and they watched that same proud smile throughout the years.

Splash into the 2021 Graduating Year by booking a senior session with Karen Morgan Photography today!
